PETA – Come for their Outrage, Stay for their Porn….

So the New York Times puts up a really cute picture of a sassy little bird:

You know you want it.....

It’s got that certain je ne sais quoi , no?  I don’t know about you, but when I saw it, I laughed and smiled, because That.Bird.Has.Attitude.  It’s sweet.  It’s funny. 

It’s playful and – dare I say it? – sexy.

And then PETA had to make themselves the center of attention:

“When I saw it I just couldn’t believe that an editor of The New York Times would find it acceptable,” PETA’s founder and president Ingrid Newkirk told The Atlantic Wire. “It’s downright offensive, not just to people who care about animals but almost to everyone. It’s a plucked, beheaded, young chicken in a young pose,” she said.

Boy, that’s rich, coming from the president of a group that just announced that they are going to start a PORN channel:

But don’t worry – PETA officials will be tracking the website to determine if people are viewing the animal rights messages and not just the nudity. “Past experience has shown that they will.”



Quick – what’s the message?

(**Yes, these are all images from PETA print ads – I got the truncated views so that my mother wouldn’t disown me…..)

[UPDATE 10/03/11]: Thanks to R. Stacy McCain at “The Other McCain” for the link to this post – I appreciate it!  If you want great political insight from a true reporter’s perspective, Stacy’s your guy (if you want to see a cheesy picture from the 1970’s of a skinny guy in a Speedo, Stacy’s ALSO your guy; somehow, I don’t think PETA’s going to be calling him up to do anything for their new channel, though….. 😛 ).

[UPDATE 10/07/11]: Thanks to DaTechGuy for the link! (I’ve always loved guys who wear fedoras 🙂 )

About Teresa in Fort Worth, TX

A short, fat, over-the-hill, happily-married mother of 4 daughters. I know just enough to get myself in trouble....
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13 Responses to PETA – Come for their Outrage, Stay for their Porn….

  1. Michelle says:

    Everything about PETA is a joke. I don’t think even members of PETA know what the organization is striving for other than throwing hissy fits over trivial matters.

    They sure remain rather silent about their founder being diabetic. Perhaps she should stop taking her insulin – that would be a great solution.


  2. GuyS says:

    You mean the Insulin which comes from … wait for it … animal by-products? Irony on line one for PETA…


  3. Deathknyte says:

    The second pic is some gold digger being swept off to somewhere by her high powered “friend” and the third one is a streetwalker, yes?


  4. How did you guess? And they are all vegetarians who don’t wear fur, they get their pets spayed and/or neutered, and they don’t use any products that have been tested on animals.

    Because that would be WRONG….. 😛


  5. All I got out of those pics was that Dita has good taste in underthings.


  6. Most of their “legit” ads are borderline porn. I just see this as a long overdue coming clean with their real intent. And, when you look at the PETA demographic, they’re all just a bunch of self-indulgent narcissists anyway. “By thy fruits ye shall be known.”


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