Call Your Mother….

Call 19.
Every once in a while, I get an e-mail from my Mom, asking me “Is everything all right?” – usually because I haven’t called or e-mailed or put up a new blog post in a while.

Well, as you all know, life does get in the way sometimes….

My house isn’t ever going to be a candidate for Better Homes and Gardens (especially right now, as we are in the middle of yet another construction project, which is kicking up even more dust than normal), and Paul is lucky if he gets fed when he comes home from work in the evening.

I’m taking a break from all of the political stuff that’s been going on – those idiots up in Washington don’t have the first clue what they are doing, but apparently the majority of voters don’t have a problem with what’s going on up there, so I’m just not going to worry about it right now. When things get too painful for people, I’m hoping they will get off of their duffs and do something about it.

I’ve got better things to do.
Call 15.
As a matter of fact, I had so much fun putting together my high school reunion video, I decided to start making some more videos. In the past, I just linked videos for my “Advent Calendar of Music” series, which runs from December 1st through December 25th each year. However, many times in the past when it came time to dust off those posts and re-post them, some of the videos were no longer available, for whatever reason.

So I decided to make some of my own.

Now, some of the videos that I use are too good to re-do, so I’ve just made copies of them, in case they are unavailable in the future. But there were more than a few that I wanted to put my own “spin” on. It takes quite a bit of time to put one of these videos together, so I figured I’d better start early – which meant no time to write blog posts.
Call 2a.
So instead of coming up with something to write about, I’ve decided to post a few of these videos, so that you can get a preview of what’s coming up in December. I hope you don’t mind – I don’t want my Mom to worry about me, and as much as Paul complains about gaining weight (I keep telling him that at this time of year, it’s “Winter Weight”), I don’t want the poor dear to starve 😛

Here’s the first one that I re-did – Wanda Jackson and The Continentals’ “Merry Christmas, Baby”. It is such a sultry little number, I knew that I HAD to use Gil Elvgren’s classic pin-up girls to do it justice – it may be a little too risqué for some, but I tried to keep it from setting off the YouTube and WordPress alarms:

And yes, I called my mom….. 😛

About Teresa in Fort Worth, TX

A short, fat, over-the-hill, happily-married mother of 4 daughters. I know just enough to get myself in trouble....
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1 Response to Call Your Mother….

  1. Mom says:

    It was wonderful hearing from you today. Love to you and the family.


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