I’m Going to Need a Bigger Bottle of Aspirin…..


So here’s the latest story that is has been making the rounds:

A transgender man made a bold move on Friday during an extravagant White House reception in honor of LGBT Pride Month: he dropped down on one knee and proposed to his partner.

Scout, whose full name is legally one word, popped the question to Liz Margolies just minutes after President Barack Obama addressed the guests, many of whom are leaders in the LGBT community.

I knew there was a reason I didn’t take any Philosophy courses in college – this article could be a stand-alone Final Exam in any grad-level course:

“If a transgender man asks a lesbian to marry him, is she still a lesbian?”

The Happy Couple: Scout and Liz

Let’s use the Rules of Logic to reach a valid conclusion, shall we?

Premise A:  Scout is a man.

Scout (if I have this correct) is physically a woman, but she IDENTIFIES as a transgendered male, and insists that all of society think of her as a man. In this politically correct world, the LGBT community requires that we abide by Scout’s self-identification; therefore, we must call Scout a man.

Premise B: Liz Margolies is a lesbian.

In other words, Ms. Margolies does not find any man sexually attractive – being a lesbian, she only wants to partner with females.

Premise C: Scout and Liz are engaged to be married.

And here is where the fun begins, because:

1)  If “A” and “B” are true, then “C” cannot be true.
2)  If “A” and “C” are true, then “B” cannot be true.

Since Ms. Margolies has told the world that “I’m engaged!”, that means that Premise C applies, which means that Premise B is false.

Therefore, Ms. Margolies is not a lesbian.

(As an aside, I should mention that the look on Sarah’s face when I tossed this out to her was absolutely priceless – I could see the wheels turning, she got a huge smile on her face, and said, “Uh…uh….uh….”)

Now, I know that this may come as a shock to Ms. Margolies and all of her friends in the LGBT community, but the simple fact of the matter is that if the LGBT community is going to insist upon the rest of the world accepting their constructs, then the “rest of the world” is well within its rights to insist that the LGBT community LIVE by those constructs.

If Scout and Ms. Margolies go through with this wedding, they will just be one more heterosexual couple who is getting married. The term “Gay Marriage” will not apply, since this will technically be a marriage between a man and a woman.


Ms. Margolies will no longer be able to call herself a “lesbian” if she marries a man.  Mr. and Mrs. Scout can still attend all of the posh LGBT parties, but Mr. Scout will technically be the only member of the couple who “meets the requirements”.

I would hope that the LGBT community will continue to allow Ms. Margolies to represent them – if they don’t, they could be accused of discrimination. The LGBT community insists that no organization can discriminate against a person because of their sexual orientation, right?.

Now – it’s time for more of these:

Sincerely, though – congrats, kids! You seem like two perfectly wonderful people, and it’s obvious that you are very much in love.

I hope that the two of you have a long and happy life together as man and wife.
Welcome to the ranks of heteronormative couples everywhere….
[Cross-posted at RedState]
[Update 06/21/202]: Thanks to Doug Ross at Larwyn’s Linx for including this post in his Links for the Day!

About Teresa in Fort Worth, TX

A short, fat, over-the-hill, happily-married mother of 4 daughters. I know just enough to get myself in trouble....
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40 Responses to I’m Going to Need a Bigger Bottle of Aspirin…..

  1. Pingback: Wednesday Morning News and Links | Darth Chipmunk

  2. Pingback: Just Another Heteronormative Couple « Uncivil Peasants

  3. It’s so much fun making fun of the queers isn’t it 🙂


    • By definition, neither one of them is “queer”, which is exactly the point of my post. Their relationship is no different than that of any other male/female couple, according to the LGBT community’s own standards.

      I’m sorry if you think that I am “making fun” of them – I’ve visited both of their Facebook pages, and they seem like delightful people who love each other very much.


      • By definition, neither one of them is “queer”, which is exactly the point of my post.

        You are wrong – by definition they are both queer


        These are concepts which a lot of us have thought of in depth, because we have had to do so. If one is privileged and has never had a need to think about them much they certainly can seem entertaining, I understand.

        But queers are not fools that you are so much smarter than.


      • So let me get this straight:

        According to the Berkeley “definitions”, I’m supposed to think of “her” as “him” (transgender identity).
        But you are telling me that “he” is a lesbian, which by definition is a “she”.
        Which means that I’m going to have to think of “her” as a “she”, which means she ISN’T a transgender.

        Or, I can think of “her” as a “him” who is queer.
        And if “he” is “queer”, then that means that “he” is attracted to men.
        Which makes me wonder why “he” is proposing to a woman in the first place.

        Or is “she” just a lesbian who thinks she’s a man?

        Listen, if YOU GUYS can’t explain all of this without resorting to the 5 basic ballet moves and pretzel contortions, then how in the heck do you expect the rest of us to understand it?

        Pick a definition and stick with it.

        Until the LGBT community can do that in a concise, easy-to-understand manner that doesn’t require a Gender Studies degree to comprehend, they are never going to move forward in their quest for legal standing.

        Feel free to explain it to me. But you are going to have to show your work, like in a geometry proof or a logic tree, because I studied Engineering, and that is how I comprehend things.

        Believe it or not, that is also how the LEGAL profession comprehends things. Make your case and then be prepared to defend it.

        Otherwise, I am going to assert that my conclusion is valid.


      • The LGBT community tells the rest of the world that if a transgendered person considers themself as one gender or another, then we have to treat them as if they are, indeed, that gender.

        Therefore, in the eyes of non-LGBT society, Scout is a man.
        THAT is what you tell us we have to “see”.

        If you want “us” to accept the construct, then you have to play by the rules. A person cannot be both male and female (unless they were born a hermaphrodite).

        Pick a side and stick with it.
        If the LGBT community isn’t willing to do that, then the rest of society isn’t going to play the game.


      • “THAT is what you tell us we have to “see”.

        Oh my – you certainly sound oppressed – those big bullies are forcing you to “see” things and “call” things and “defining” things for u.

        Its no wonder u resent being so bullied.

        “If you want “us” to accept the construct, then you have to play by the rules.”

        Nobody gives a damn what construct you are “forced” to accept, or about your opinion at all since you have no idea what you are talking about.

        All we want is to stop being legally oppressed. It doesn’t help when bigots make fun of us, but we are used to it/


      • …you certainly sound oppressed – those big bullies are forcing you to “see” things and “call” things and “defining” things for u….

        It’s certainly nice of you to finally admit that the LGBT community is the one that is doing the oppressing and the bullying. Thanks for that – we really appreciate it.


      • And it seems to me that the LGBT community is the “privileged” one –

        priv·i·lege noun
        [priv-uh-lij, priv-lij] Show IPA noun, verb, priv·i·leged, priv·i·leg·ing.

        1. a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most: the privileges of the very rich.
        2. a special right, immunity, or exemption granted to persons in authority or office to free them from certain obligations or liabilities: the privilege of a senator to speak in Congress without danger of a libel suit.
        3. a grant to an individual, corporation, etc., of a special right or immunity, under certain conditions.
        4. the principle or condition of enjoying special rights or immunities.
        5. any of the rights common to all citizens under a modern constitutional government: We enjoy the privileges of a free people.

        By assigning special terms to the LGBT community, they enjoy the “privilege” of being set apart from the rest of the country, and they expect us to treat them as a special class of people, rather than just living their lives like the rest of us.

        The LGBT community is constantly jumping up and down, saying, “Look at us – we’re SPECIAL!!!!”

        We’re tired of it.
        You’re just PEOPLE – no different from anybody else.
        That’s how you want to be treated, right?
        And now that we are treating you like that, you find that it isn’t any fun being ordinary.

        If you want to be treated equally, then you have to follow the same rules as everybody else.
        If you want to be treated UNequally, then by all means, come up with a whole set of rules that apply only to you.
        But decide which it is that you want, tell the rest of us, and then let the chips fall where they may.

        You absolutely CANNOT insist on being treated equally, and then insist on being treated specially.


  4. And it seems to me that the LGBT community is the “privileged” one –

    Of course we are – and we insist on all of our special privileges.

    Personally I enjoy the one of being beaten by kids with baseball bats but some of
    us enjoy being jailed and almost all of us like being shunned by our families
    and fired from our jobs and watching all the movies and reading all the blogs
    making fun of us.

    We are so privileged that we can force entire states to amend their constitutions to trash us.

    You know you sound just like George Wallace decrying those darkies wanting special privileges, don’t you ?

    You need to get out of Texas


    • I’ve got news for you, Patrick – LOTS of people get beaten up JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT; I got “terrorized” in junior high because I was smaller than everyone else.

      Guess what?
      I can’t change the fact that I am short.
      I can’t change the fact that I am left-handed.
      Try as I might, those are things that are never, ever, ever going to change.

      So you know what I did?
      I accepted that it is always going to be a part of me, and I adapted to the rest of the world.

      I don’t insist on being treated any differently from the rest of the world.
      Do you have any idea how difficult it can be sometimes when everything in the world is made for people who can actually see the second shelf of their upper kitchen cabinets?
      Or that a left-handed person can’t rest their writing elbow on the elbow support of the desks in school?

      I ADAPTED.

      And guess what else?

      Plenty of other people get thrown in jail.
      Plenty of other people are shunned by their families – for whatever reason.
      Plenty of other people get fired from their jobs – again, for whatever reason.

      You don’t like movies that “make fun of you”?
      It’s a free country – last time I checked, nobody is forcing you to go and see them.
      If you CHOOSE to go and see them – well, you can’t say that you weren’t warned.

      You don’t like blogs that “make fun of you”?
      Same rules apply.

      I have a daughter who was born with Down syndrome.
      You think you have it bad?
      People can tell just by looking at her that she is different.

      And you know what?
      Honestly, she is the happiest person that I know.

      It would be a much better world if everyone who considers themselves “different” could act the way that she does instead of insisting that the world acknowledge that they are different, and then turn around and insist that the world not treat them as if they are different.

      Quit acting like you are being oppressed by the rest of society.
      The only person “oppressing” you is you.


      • >”Plenty of other people get thrown in jail.
        Plenty of other people are shunned by their families – for whatever reason.
        Plenty of other people get fired from their jobs – again, for whatever reason.”

        Sure – it’s government policy to throw short left handed people in jail whenever they are discovered. It is state law to fire short left handed people if they let their left-handedness slip.
        Churches tell families to throw their short left handed kids out in the street.

        Its all the same – how dare I object to such laws – I deserve being thrown in jail and asking
        that the law be changed is just being “uppitty” and asking for “special privileges”.

        You really are a bigot, aren’t u ?


    • And another thing – you want to know what TRUE oppression is?

      Try being the mother of a child who has a genetic condition that some people in the country feel is a TRUE abomination (and Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest groups leading the charge).

      Do you have any idea what the abortion rate is for prenatally diagnosed Down syndrome pregnancies?


      9 out of every 10 women who finds out that her baby is going to be born with Down syndrome is ENCOURAGED to abort her pregnancy. It is automatically assumed that when a woman gets the “bad” news that she is going to terminate, so the perinatologist goes ahead and schedules the “procedure” in the office.

      If a woman decides that she is going to continue with the pregnancy, the doctor proceeds to tell her all of the horrible, awful things that the family has to “look forward to”, and the terrible life that they will be thrusting upon that poor, innocent creature.

      So don’t get up on your high horse and talk to me about being “oppressed” or “bullied” – you really don’t have the FIRST CLUE what you are talking about.

      When mothers are encouraged to abort their babies because they are found to have “The Gay Gene”, then we can talk.

      Until then, you have no room whatsoever to tell me about “how rough” your life has been.


      • So don’t get up on your high horse and talk to me about being “oppressed” or “bullied” – you really don’t have the FIRST CLUE what you are talking about.

        So your state has a law that forced you to have a down’s baby ? I’m not sure who you think is “oppressing” you, but it ain’t me. Take it up with your “god” I suppose.

        My concern is not “how rough” my life is or has been, but is how the government uses it’s laws to persecute people like me.

        I guess I should add also the privileged people who think I am being uppity if I want those laws changed.


      • Good Lord, you truly are dense. I was talking about children with Down syndrome being oppressed.

        I was talking about being the mother of one of these most wonderful of children, and seeing the absolute hatred that is hurled upon them by people who don’t think that they have any business being here and who are doing everything in their power to make sure that they are eliminated from the face of the Earth.

        If a “gay gene” is ever discovered, I guarantee you those same people will be coming for those fetuses as well.

        Believe it or not, the only people who are going to not allow it are the Christian pro-lifers that you hate so much.

        I didn’t know ahead of time that my daughter was going to be born with Down syndrome.
        I do everything in my power to make sure that people know what a delightful blessing it is to have a child with Down syndrome in their life.

        My God smiled on me, and I don’t know what I did to deserve such a wonderful gift.

        And I hate Planned Parenthood with every fiber of my being for their insistence that babies with Down syndrome be wiped out of existence.

        It’s going to be fun to watch the linguistic gymnastics that Planned Parenthood is going to have to do if a “gay gene” ever IS discovered – they’re still smarting from all of those videos that show that they are just fine with women choosing to terminate a pregnancy if it’s a girl…..


      • Well one of is is certainly being dense, because you are talking about something which has nothing to do with the government oppressing gay people.

        There are no laws forcing short left handed people to have downs babies – we all have things which happen to us in life, good and bad.

        I’m having trouble following your line of thinking that because you have had struggles in your life, it is ok to pass laws persecuting gay people. Is it so they can share your suffering ?


  5. >Listen, if YOU GUYS can’t explain all of this without resorting to the 5 basic ballet moves and pretzel contortions, then how in the heck do you expect the rest of us to understand it?

    No one expects you to understand it, or cares if u understand it.

    >” Until the LGBT community can do that in a concise, easy-to-understand manner that doesn’t require a Gender Studies degree to comprehend, they are never going to move forward in their quest for legal standing.

    We are doing pretty well moving forward and I think that we will achieve equality.

    >Make your case and then be prepared to defend it.

    Oh we have done so repeatedly – you can read the court rulings if you wish – they are online.


    • No – you “make the case” that my conclusion about Scout and Liz being a heteronormative couple is invalid.

      THAT is what you have to prove to me. Because you specifically told me that I do not know what I am talking about.

      I am giving you a chance to explain it to me in terms that I can understand.

      Otherwise, I stand by my original argument – Scout and Liz are just another male/female couple in the eyes of the public, and should be treated as such.


      • >THAT is what you have to prove to me. Because you specifically told me that I do not know what I am talking about.

        That’s because you don’t know what you are talking about – obviously. And you admit it.
        I’m pretty sure you don’t make fun of other heteronormative couples, so there must be something different about them for you to ridicule, or you wouldn’t have written this article in the first place.

        If u WANT to know what u are talking about I’m afraid u will have to learn something about gender studies, etc.

        But u are free to remain ignorant you are free to do so. No one is making you, no one is forcing you, and I don’t have to prove anything to you.


      • That’s because you don’t know what you are talking about – obviously.

        Then please explain it to me. That is all that I asked you to do. I read the article that you linked.

        It tells me that a “Sex Identity” is how a person defines their gender.
        It tells me that a “Transgendered” person defines themself by the gender that they want to be.

        So Scout is a “Transgendered” Man – a woman who thinks of herself as a man.
        A man cannot be a lesbian.

        So Scout is a physical woman who loves women.
        That “technically” makes her a lesbian.

        Or he is a man who loves women.
        Which “technically” makes him 1/2 of a traditional male/female couple.

        If I’m missing something, please enlighten me.

        I’m pretty sure you don’t make fun of other heteronormative couples….

        Now I’m confused.

        See, in the “straight” world, I just call a male/female relationship a “couple”.

        But in trying to be LGBT-correct and calling Scout and Liz a “heteronormative” couple – which is the term that the LGBT community uses when they are describing a male/female couple in the straight world – all of a sudden, I am “making fun of” this couple?

        I thought the use of that term made me “enlightened” in the eyes of the LGBT community. They are trying to make it part of the everyday, accepted lexicon, are they not?

        I’m just hopping on that train nice and early so that I can’t later be accused of being a “genderist”.

        But you seem to have a problem with that.
        Do you want the straight community to embrace your terminology or not?

        I’m “embracing” away.
        You’d think you’d be grateful…..


      • >”They are trying to make it part of the everyday, accepted lexicon, are they not? I’m just hopping on that train nice and early so that I can’t later be accused of being a “genderist”.
        Do you WANT the straight community to embrace your terminology or not?
        I’m “embracing” away.
        You’d think you’d be grateful…..”

        I see – once again people are forcing you to change lexicons and terminologies – they just won’t leave you alone will they ?

        Are they going to deport you or cut off your medical insurance if you don’t embrace new terminologies ?

        Am I being ungrateful if I say that i could care less what your opinions are ?

        All I want is legal equality from the government – I have no desire to “shove anything down your throat” or care what you think at all, and it annoys me that so many people think that my demand for equal rights means that somehow I am obligated to make them “tolerate” or “understand” things.


      • So, it isn’t about LGBT rights at all, just “Patrick rights”.

        You’re a special little snowflake, and it’s all about you. Good to know.

        Newsflash – the straight community isn’t the one telling the straight community that they are being “intolerant”. Nope, the LGBT community is the one telling the straight community that they are being intolerant. The LGBT community is the one insisting that their terminology be adopted, and if the straight community won’t adopt it, it’s because the straight community is intolerant and hateful.

        Are you part of the LGBT community or not, Patrick? If you are, then you own this behavior. And yes, it is being shoved down the straight community’s throat. We are being told that we have to view gay marriage as the same thing as straight marriage. I’m sorry – they are two different things. In the same way that identical twins are different from fraternal twins.

        Quit getting in our faces about your “specialness”, and we might be able to come to an understanding. But if you insist on your own language that nobody else can possibly understand, and if you insist that colleges must include studies towards a degree for your little “country”, and if you insist upon yourselves, then you had better understand that you have just planted yourself smack dab in the middle of society’s kitchen, and you’re going to take some heat.

        If you don’t want people to ridicule you, then quit taking on silly little affectations which make it look like you are insisting upon yourself. You’re opening yourself up for some weapons-grade snark.

        Put on your big-boy panties and take it like a man.


      • Dear Theresa – my apologies, I thought that you lived in the United States.

        I’m not sure what country you DO live in where your all powerful gay overlords are persecuting you so, but I sure would like to know.

        I might want to move there.

        Now, to be serious:

        >” the LGBT community is the one telling the straight community that they are being intolerant.

        Really there are laws in Texas telling you that you must change your language ?
        We both know that is untrue.

        Now as for this:

        “The LGBT community is the one insisting that their terminology be adopted, and if the straight community won’t adopt it, it’s because the straight community is intolerant and hateful.

        Actually it isn’t “the LGBT community vs the “straight” community”. Many researcher on things like gender studies are actually straight, and many straight people who are actually interested have no difficulty both accepting, but also debating and using such terminology. I think you are referring to “the LGBT community vs the ignorant or bigoted (of any sexual persuasion).”

        Sort of like we had to go around explaining to SOME white people – like Texas rednecks – that some language like nigger and pickaninny wasn’t really so polite. ALL white people did not have problems understanding this, but some redneck bigot honkies felt they were having it shoved down their throats. They complain to this day about not being able to use “the N word” – but actually they can – it is perfectly legal and you have free speech.

        But none of it is legally required, it’s just being polite.

        >” We are being told that we have to view gay marriage as the same thing as straight marriage.

        Really – what state is that again ? Because all of the legal cases I know of demand the right of gay people to marry. There is nothing in the law about how you “view” it. I don’t view it as “the same” either. You remain free to “view” it any way you wish.

        >”Quit getting in our faces about your “specialness”, and we might be able to come to an understanding

        I am entitled to the same rights as you and I am just as good as you or any little redneck bigot, and there is no reason why I should ask for, or be interested, in your “understanding”.

        You can live in your Texas trailer park and eat McDonalds and make fun of the queers all day long, as far as I care, and I am not campaigning to make it illegal or put you in jail.

        Which is the difference between the two of us.


      • FWIW, my daughter (the gay one) has lived in Texas all her life. She hasn’t once experienced the type of persecution that you describe. She doesn’t have time for all of the members of the LGBT community (like you) who make it so hard for the rest of them fo just live their lives like the normal people that they are.

        It is nice of you to paint me with such a stereotypically broad brush, however. Of course, since I live in Texas I must live in a trailer park (I don’t) and eat at McDonald’s (I do, from time to time), and be a racist bigot (I am neither). And since I am a Republican, I must be an old, white, Christian male – because nobody from any “special interest group” would be caught dead voting for a Republican in your mindset.

        Before you ask me to remove the speck of dust from my eye, how about you remove the huge plank that is in yours….. And if you don’t like the things that I write about, then stop reading them. Nobody’s holding a gun to your head.


      • >FWIW, my daughter (the gay one) has lived in Texas all her life. She hasn’t once experienced the type of persecution that you describe. She doesn’t have time for all of the members of the LGBT community (like you) who make it so hard for the rest of them fo just live their lives

        Well at her age I expect not. And since she doeesn’t hang around “the LGBT community” she probably isn’t aware of the many sacrifices of old gay folk (like me) who have managed to improve her life tremendously. I bet she doesn’t even have to get beaten or arrested to find a date – but when I lived in Houston in the 1990’s people still did.

        Tell her to just keep being ignorant and soon other people will change things so that she can actually join the military or marry if she finds the right person. No, thanks aren’t required.

        >It is nice of you to paint me with such a stereotypically broad brush, however

        Yea – I know that isn’t fair. Sometimes when we snowflakes put on our big-boy panties we start acting out our “specialness” and that sort of thing happens 😉

        > And since I am a Republican, I must be an old, white, Christian male – because nobody from any “special interest group” would be caught dead voting for a Republican in your mindset.

        Well old white and christian – not bad 3 out of 4 ?

        If you want me to stop reading your blog I’ll be happy to – you are one of two “redstate diarists” that seemed reachable since opposing opinion is not allowed there.

        The other one, unfortunately, had the nerve to argue that he thought gays should be allowed to marry so he got banned, although he’s a right winger in every other way :))

        Maybe I can find some others


      • You can say whatever you want to to me, but my daughter is absolutely off limits for you to start insulting.

        Step back over that line, and do not cross it again


  6. wallflower says:

    Patrick, I usually just lurk here, but I have a few questions for you. Where in the post or comments did Teresa call for you to be jailed or make your lifestyle illegal? Also, I thought it was considered practically a hate crime to call a transgender person by the gender they no longer claim. Wouldn’t that make you a transgenderphobe to continue to call Mr. Scout a woman? It would if you were straight. How in the world are we straight people supposed to figure out how not to offend the LGBT community if you all keep changing the rules? I thought Teresa’s post was very interesting. She didn’t say anything cruel. She asked a question. I thought that was how people learn about things they have no/limited experience with.

    Teresa in Fort Worth, I enjoy your blog very much and check it everyday. I found you though “Sithy Things”.


    • Hi, wallflower! Thanks for your kind comment about my blog – I’m glad that you like it!
      Aggie’s the best, isn’t she?


    • > Where in the post or comments did Teresa call for you to be jailed or make your lifestyle illegal?

      Whenever she votes for a Repub.

      >Also, I thought it was considered practically a hate crime to call a transgender person by the gender they no longer claim.

      No – we have free speech in the US and you can call anyone anything you wish.

      >How in the world are we straight people supposed to figure out how not to offend the LGBT community if you all keep changing the rules?

      I’m not aware of any “rules”. If you are ever in doubt of how anyone – gay straight white black green – prefers to be addressed you can always ask them.


  7. >You can say whatever you want to to me, but my daughter is absolutely off limits for you to start insulting.

    Step back over that line, and do not cross it again

    I “insulted” her by repeating what you told me about her ?

    Do you people have a rule book I can check to know how that is “insulting” ?


    • Never mind – I’m unsubscribing and won’t darken your door again. Maybe there’s someone else on Redstate that actually wants to discuss issues outside of their echo chamber.


  8. Lola-at-Large says:

    Color me IMPRESSED with your syllogisms! Good lord, transgenderism is a mess. I have a transgendered FtM stalking my daughter right now and I am having to traverse this terrain very carefully.

    On the one hand I do not believe that I have to buy the fantasies of so-called transgendered people just to make their existence easier. My opposition to the acceptance of trans is based on two points: you can’t genetically change your sex, and it’s a heteronormative process. Just be gay already. One the other hand, what to do about this interloper into our lives? Is confrontation the answer?

    I rarely get the chance to talk about this in the circles I run in, because I run with a pretty liberal crowd of independents who are pretty much live and let live, which is also my philosophy, but I draw the line at pretending. I ain’t lying for anybody and I ain’t lending my credibility to make your queer existence okay. The FtM stalker of my daughter is coming to town this summer and I just know it’s going to blow up. But it has to be a controlled explosion, else I risk pushing her into the arms of the visitor, which is sure to corrupt her sexual thinking for years to come. Wish me luck. And offer a prayer. PLS. I need the help.


    • Whew, Lola! Your story makes me glad that all I had to deal with was a daughter who is a lesbian 😛

      If you don’t mind my asking, how old is your daughter? Has she ever met this FtM person before, or is it an “online” relationship? Does your daughter consider herself a lesbian?

      One wonders if some of these TG people are gay, but can’t bring themselves to think of themselves as such (hence the adoption of the opposite-sex mannerisms). And if that is the case, then when they enter into a relationship with someone of the “opposite” sex (who is really the same sex), then they are just affirming the cultural norm of a male/female partnership.

      (Dang it – now I need more aspirin….)

      I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, dear one! If you want to talk privately, just click on the “Contact Me” button up at the top of the post, and send me an e-mail –

      (P.S. If the “stalking” ever gets to the point that you feel that your daughter is in real danger, just pull the “I’m a bitchy mom” card, and make sure that SHE is safe. Most sane people don’t want to mess with a Mama Bear who is protecting her cubs.)


    • I run with a pretty liberal crowd of independents who are pretty much live and let live

      I’d be willing to bet that their “live and let live” attitude only applies as long as it doesn’t cross the line into stalking/dangerous behavior. For most people, the relationship has to be consensual for them to say “leave them alone” or “let them be happy”.

      Most folks DO have a problem when behavior is predatory – you might be surprised at how your friends respond to your dilemma.

      Our daughters started “turning the corner” when they were 18, but it wasn’t until each of them reached 20-21 before they truly understood (and appreciated) some of the things that we did as their parents. I’ve had some real laughs with DD#2 now that she is approaching 21 – she keeps finding herself saying, “Mom was right…..” 😛


  9. Fred says:

    so Einhorn is not Finkle?

    If a girl wants to wear a suit and call herself a man and still like women (I think that is what you are talking about here), who cares? To each their own.

    If it is predatory, regardless of gender or orientation, it’s wrong.


    • I was merely applying all of the “logic” that we have been subjected to by the LGBT lobby over the years and taking it to its natural conclusion – mostly because I like to see folks hoisted on their own petard from time to time 😈

      I’m just being a stinker.

      But it does raise an interesting point, no?
      I mean, we’re told that we MUST, absolutely MUST treat/view a transgendered person as the gender that they identifiy with. If we don’t, we’re called homophobic/bigoted/ignorant, etc.

      In order to not appear homophobic/bigoted/ignorant, I will stipulate that Scout is a man.
      I’m enlightened!

      So Scout – a man – is going to marry Liz – a woman.
      Which means that they are no different than any other “heterosexual” couple, according to the rules that they themselves have set down.

      For saying that – for giving them “equal” status (which is what they claim to want) – they will call me a homophobic, bigoted, ignorant redneck.

      Is Scout a woman or a man?
      Is Schrodinger’s cat alive or dead?

      It’s like trying to play “Fizbin” with Captain Kirk….. 😛


    • You do know that one of my daughters is gay, right? She has problems with all of the LGBT activists who make things more complicated than they have to be, too – she just rolls her eyes.

      I hope I don’t sound too cynical – and this post was meant to wryly point out the semantic ridiculousness of the whole LGBT culture – but I’m tired of playing their little game with its ever-changing rules.


    • Correct me if I’m wrong, but from reading that article, it appears as if these were two girls who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time – the fact that they were lesbians has nothing to do with it; in fact, one wonders why the reporter felt the need to make that the focus of the story.

      Then again, “two girls were killed” doesn’t get a reporter’s name in lights – “lesbian teens killed”, on the other hand, is a ratings bonanza (and it gets all of the LGBT activists who want to see their names in the paper a chance to scream “Hate Crime!!!!”).

      What happened to these young girls is a tragedy – we have family members who used to live in Sinton. But instead of focusing on a horrific crime that was committed, the reporter is focusing on something totally unrelated to the crime.

      Some families – ours included – have family members that everyone (including the couple in question) agrees “doesn’t need to be told about this”, and so they don’t, because it would just cause problems that nobody wants to have to deal with (if you only see them twice a year and they have a heart condition, what’s the point?)..

      What if these girls’ families had the same sort of thing happening, only to have Granny or Aunt Sue or the family preacher see it splashed all over the national news because some reporter wants to prove how “socially advanced” they are?

      These families are going to have to put their babies in a box in the ground. At a time like this, the last thing that they need to be dealing with is judgmental relatives, friends, and/or strangers.


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