Fun With (Adult) Kids

My parents didn’t get to have the kind of fun that my generation is having with all of the new media. Instead of getting newspaper articles in the mail (for our kids to roll their eyes at, then throw away), we can instantly send them well-meaning articles and then pat ourselves on the back for having done our job. Our kids, of course, just delete those posts without reading them, but the important thing is WE TRIED.

It’s fun to see what great senses of humor our kids have – DD#3 sent me this the other day:

Of course, wicked creature that I am, I occasionally hop over to Facebook and catch up with what my kids are doing. Every once in a while I like to embarass the crap out of them – I figure I’m just paying them back for their teenage years . I had fun earlier this morning with DD#2:

DD#2: Thought we heard the downstairs neighbors fighting again, so we muted the TV. They weren’t fighting…
DD#2: I would be more amused if the downstairs neighbors were uh… younger.
Friend: Just mimic them as loud as possibly to kill the mood, and ruin their night. Muahahaha
Me: You know what the bonus is when your kids move out of the house? You don’t have to be quiet any more. (You’re welcome)

Yeah, she’s gonna need an industrial-sized container of brain bleach to get that out….. πŸ˜›
[Cross-posted at H2]

About Teresa in Fort Worth, TX

A short, fat, over-the-hill, happily-married mother of 4 daughters. I know just enough to get myself in trouble....
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8 Responses to Fun With (Adult) Kids

  1. Pingback: Fun With (Adult) Kids Β« The H2: Loving Us Some Breitbart Since March 2009

  2. Kim Marshall says:

    Hysterical! One of the joys of parenthood is getting revenge when they’re all grown up!


  3. I can’t WAIT to do this in a public forum. I mean, I get to embarrass the kids all the time, but witnesses?? That’s priceless πŸ˜€


  4. Lizard says:

    Teresa and Aggie you are truly evil and I love it πŸ™‚

    That makes me almost want to facebook so I can do that to my godchildren.


  5. Bob says:

    Thanks for the laugh! A friend of mine had been married only a short while when her mother-in-law became no longer able to take care of herself, and she and her husband had to take her in. One night my friend and her husband forgot to be quiet, and the mother-in-law — who may have been feeble and frail, but was unfortunately not deaf — got upset. She told to her son she’d heard some strange, scary noises and didn’t know what they were, and he said, “Must have been those raccoons getting into the garbage cans again.” To alleviate his mother’s fears, he actually put on his coat and got out a flashlight and went out to see if the raccoons were raiding the garbage cans.


  6. DD#2 says:

    I’m not embarrassed at all by the fact that you and dad have sex as long as you’re not frazzled that all of your daughters (excluding Rebecca) have had a lot of sex. Ta-dah! Humanity!


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