We Have Already Established WHAT You Are….

Sometimes, a picture really IS worth a thousand words:
It’s an oldie but a goodie: ***

Churchill: Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?
Socialite: My goodness, Mr. Churchill… Well, I suppose… we would have to discuss terms, of course…
Churchill: Would you sleep with me for five pounds?
Socialite: Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!
Churchill: Madam, we’ve already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.

***(This is a very old joke where the participants vary dramatically from each telling. It’s very unlikely – though not impossible – that the joke originated from Churchill.)

(h/t to Hot Air)

[Cross-posted at RedState]
[Update 05/16/12]: Thanks to Doug Ross at Larwyn’s Linx for including this post in today’s links!

About Teresa in Fort Worth, TX

A short, fat, over-the-hill, happily-married mother of 4 daughters. I know just enough to get myself in trouble....
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12 Responses to We Have Already Established WHAT You Are….

  1. Bob says:

    I’ve heard it attributed to a lot of different people, but it does sound rather Churchillian! 😀


  2. Pingback: We Have Already Established WHAT You Are…. | RedState

  3. You forgot to run the funny cartoon about Kennedy being a whore to the liberal elite for pushing the civil rights act.
    White southern christians have suffered so much at the hands of the liberal elite – especially those all powerful gay ones.


    • It’s merely a commentary on the fact that Obama didn’t take this “stand” until a large number of HIS bundlers threatened to not make any donations.

      Believe it or not, a LOT of people on both sides of the aisle believe that Mr. Obama took this “stand” for political reasons and nothing more.

      And he DID say that he thinks it should be an issue that is decided by each individual state (in other words, voting “Present” once again).


      • I understand Kennedy had to be pushed into acting on civil rights too. And did it for “political reasons”.

        None of which can be considered a valid criticism coming from the party that wants to throw gays in jail – in fact it is pitiful.


      • You’re going to have to expand on that part about “the party that wants to throw gays in jail”; if somebody is WILLFULLY breaking the law, I don’t care what their race, creed, or sexual orientation is – they go to jail. Period.

        (It’s bedtime for me, so I am out for the night)


      • >”You’re going to have to expand on that part about “the party that wants to throw gays in jail”; if somebody is WILLFULLY breaking the law, I don’t care what their race, creed, or sexual orientation is – they go to jail.”

        Well the law in Texas was that if gay people had sex it was a crime ( “sodomy”) and amazingly gay people broke that law.

        It was ok for straight people to have sex, but not gay people.

        Luckily those Nasty liberal elite “activist” judges stopped that. Not the Repub ones, of course, but they got outvoted.


        I’m not sure we would have such luck with today’s Bush appointed judges. Scalia threw a temper tantrum.


  4. Here’s a funny one 🙂


    • I guess that cartoon is implying that the LGBT community would be fine with civil unions, and doesn’t want to force churches to go against their doctrines, huh?

      So why there has been such a push to close down Catholic Charities’ adoption services by the LGBT community? Could it be that they can’t stomach the idea of having a religious agency around that will not betray its teachings? It’s OK to insist on “tolerance”, but only if it goes one way.

      Why is it that in the states where LGBT couples have been offered EVERY benefit that “married” couples have – except for calling it “marriage” – they have insisted that it isn’t good enough for them?

      Do they want to force churches to perform gay weddings? Because that certainly appears to be their endgame.

      The LGBT groups don’t seem to understand that they are making things WORSE for their cause now than it was before – people are willing to be tolerant TO A POINT. Push too hard, and people start to push back.

      You’ve got A LOT of people on the conservative side who were willing to live and let live who are now saying “That’s it”. And those numbers are growing.

      Start to represent yourselves as martyrs on a cross, and you are going to find that fewer and fewer people support you – especially in light of the fact that so many in the LGBT community treat the people who BELIEVE in what The Cross represents with such vitriol and disdain.


      • “Why is it that in the states where LGBT couples have been offered EVERY benefit that “married” couples have – except for calling it “marriage” – they have insisted that it isn’t good enough for them?”

        Those silly pansies – I guess they have this idea called “equal rights”.
        Why can’t they learn their place ?

        >”So why there has been such a push to close down Catholic Charities’ adoption services by the LGBT community? ”

        That’s just a lie from that Catholic bishops. Catholic charities is free to run adoption services. The Mormons do, and they won’t let gays adopt. Jewish places aren’t too fond of christians.

        What the Catholic bishops wanted was for the state to give them tax money and still discriminate, and when they couldn’t get gay tax dollars to discriminate against gays they closed up shop.

        Catholics call getting government funding “Charity”.

        “Do they want to force churches to perform gay weddings? Because that certainly appears to be their endgame.”

        No that is a lie preachers tell in order to pretend to be victims. What they want is equal rights under the law. I don’t want to come near a church.

        “The LGBT groups don’t seem to understand that they are making things WORSE for their cause now than it was before – people are willing to be tolerant TO A POINT.”

        That’s what they told MLK too, and it is BS. Things are better now not worse, and they will continue to get better.

        I remember taking to a girl in Texas and her Daddy had told her that blacks had it much better before all that civil rights stuff. She got upset when I told her Daddy was a liar. I guess Texas doesn’t change.

        >”You’ve got A LOT of people on the conservative side who were willing to live and let live who are now saying “That’s it”. And those numbers are growing.”

        They have never been willing to live and let live – and their numbers are dwindling.
        It is similar to the civil rights struggle – the old white christian bigots won’t change their minds, and we don’t care if they do. What counts is changing the law.
        ANd that is what we intend to do.

        America can’t remain this backwards forever, despite the number of fools who vote Reub 🙂


  5. Pingback: Obama does queer | Smash Mouth Politics

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