A Tale of Two Occupations

Meet Edward Twitchell Hall III, 25 – he has sort of become the “face” of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement over the past week, thanks to an interview that he gave to the New Yorker magazine and an Internet video [warning: graphic language] that he and his friends made.

Frankly, Mr. Hall, most of America has been watching in disgust as you and your friends wallow in filth just a few blocks from the site of the World Trade Center memorial, insisting that your First Amendment rights take precedence over everyone else’s while demanding that you be allowed to continue acting this way indefinitely.

You and your friends are perfectly willing to seek shelter under the protective umbrella of the United States Constitution, while at the same time doing your level best to start a revolution which you hope will tear down the very system that affords you those liberties in the first place.


You and your friends have been “Occupying” a city park for over 3 weeks now, and quite frankly, the lot of you have overstayed your welcome.  Your idea of “occupation” is one that the rest of the country will not tolerate much longer.

Mr. Hall, allow me to introduce you to Marine 2nd. Lt. Jim Cathey, 24.  He also spent time wallowing in filth – fighting to protect the very rights that you and your friends take for granted.


Back in August of 2005, Lieutenant Cathey, his wife Katherine, and their unborn son held  an occupation of their own in his hometown of Reno, Nevada:


About Teresa in Fort Worth, TX

A short, fat, over-the-hill, happily-married mother of 4 daughters. I know just enough to get myself in trouble....
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11 Responses to A Tale of Two Occupations

  1. Jay in Ames says:

    Nice post, TiFW. The last pic is a tearjerker, but everyone should see it. Makes you appreciate it all the more.


    • The picture is what inspired the post, Jay; it came across my Twitter feed right before I went to bed. It was too late to write a post last night, but it wouldn’t leave my head….

      BTW, the link right above that picture will take you to the story behind the picture. You think the picture is a tearjerker….


  2. You nailed it, Teresa. The contrast is stark and haunting.


  3. Pingback: » Video: What Happens When Tea Partiers Go To #OWS

  4. hawkdriver says:

    Teresa, I link your thread at HARP on Facebook. I hope you don’t mind.


  5. Hall needs an asswhooping, a haircut, shower, shave, and job.


  6. fredsave1 says:

    T – you certainly are a conservative, but at least you are a conservative that does their homework. 🙂


    • LOL!!!!!!

      Thanks for the laugh, Fred! My friends and my family don’t call me “The Bulldog” for nuthin’….. 😛


      • fredsave1 says:

        T – sort of relating to this story (loose at best though), thought this might interest you:


        I have a direct family connection here, lost an older sister due to birth defects caused by the contamination on Camp Lejeune and my mother is now a cancer survivor of a highly fatal type of cancer that also has a high probability of returning and the causes were linked directly back to the contamination at Camp Lejeune…really is a horrible story being told by this film and people know very little or nothing about!!

        Sorry if off topic too much.


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